- Trade in the usual black smokey eye shadow for an unexpected shade such as a nice bronze/gold. Who says smokey eyes should always be in shades of black?

2. Get a portrait of yourself taken in black and white with out-of-bed hair, a bit of gloss, and some eye liner, every time you turn a year older. There's something sexy about the raw and undone quality of capturing a woman who is barely made up.

4. Take cue from Maggie Q ( I love her!!!!) and darken your locks from beach babe to smoldering nymph. Ever heard the term "your hair is your crowning glory"? This is the best example of that, notice how her makeup stays the same!

5. Skip the gloss and keep everything shimmery except the lips as we approach cooler months. Matte lips work best with bright colors, but make sure your lips are supple and soft to begin with.

6. Keep it simple and go down the "less-is-more" route. Leighton's pulled back hair shows off her neck, shoulders and an awesome tan that makes her look slimmer. Dewy skin that screams I'm so hot hot hot hot hot.

7. Do a Gwyn and reach for that straightening iron. I understand the affinity for surfer-girl waves but if every single girl is already riding that swell then it's time to make a change. You'll not only stand out but your hairdresser will love you too.

8. Update your makeup routine in less than 5 minutes. When you hear the name Gwen Stefani, what comes to mind is: red lips, winged eye liner and perfect platinum hair. How refreshing is it to see her in the same everything but with a pale lip. Wow. Can this lady do any wrong? Ugh.